Shadowbloom Sanctuary

This article is depicting a potential future of this world. Some events in here might not have happened yet and will be changed by the actions of the players involved in this world. Until these campaigns have concluded, this article will exist in a superposition between existance and non-existance.   Some version of this article will survive, but who knows what it will be when all of this is over
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Nobody cares about the people living deep in the Shadowcliff. Not the council, nor the city guard. If you want to change something, you'll have to do it yourself. Sometimes - especially in the Shadowcliff - life just hits you straight into the face and knocks you down. Often it's not much you need to get back on your feet. A hot meal, and a place to stay go a long way already. Everybody is welcome here, and we are trying the best we can.
  The Shadowbloom Sanctuary is a soup kitchen in the Shadowcliff. It was created by the musician Mica "Shadowbloom" Conan, to provide free food and shelter to anybody who needs it. Mica uses the money she makes from her music, to fund the Sanctuary entirely out of her own pocket. In their spare time, both Mica and Valryn volunteer at the Sanctuary.  

Services & Help

Food & Shelter

Twice per day, the Shadowbloom Sanctuary provides a warm meal. Many workers from the Shadowcliff come here during their work breaks at noon to grab something to eat. Payment is optional, and those able to afford to pay for the meal are only expected to cover the cost of ingredients. Over night, the Sanctuary provides about 30 beds for people in simple dormitories. Even when all beds are taken, nobody will be turned away, but the Sanctuary will find another way to house everybody.

Workshops & Education

Staying at the Sanctuary is never meant to be permanent. It's always a temporary solution to help people get back on their feet. Because of that Mica, Valryn and some artisans from the area provide free classes, ranging from music lessons, over engineering classes to magic tutorships. While some of these classes are structured to help people gain new skills, many also help to get young people off the streets and stop them from falling into the hands of shady organisations.

Healthcare Services

The Sanctuary also provides very basic healthcare services free of charge. Both Mica and Cyran, one of the first permanent volunteers, can heal small ailments and help treat minor wounds. They both have a good understanding of herbalism and some very basic healing magic at their disposal. When their abilities are no longer enough to help one of their regulars, often times Mica tries to raise enough money to pay for a healer instead.

Work in Progress

This article is still heavily WIP and can change at any moment

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Jul 14, 2024 13:42 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is so nice. I love that payment is optional and tey do their best to help the community.

Jul 17, 2024 10:23

Thank you!   Mica has grown up in the Shadowcliff and didn't have much support, so now she is trying to help others in similar situations

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Jul 21, 2024 02:14 by E. Christopher Clark

I love it whenever Mica shows up and this is a great article on its own merits as well.

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Aug 6, 2024 10:22

Thank you!

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