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Campaign Timeline

The Parties story so far

  • 1509 DE

    22 /3 07:00
    1509 DE

    22 /3 10:00

    Party Introduction

    The party all looking for easy work finds themselve answering an ad from the Helenfort Courtiers guild.

  • 1509 DE

    22 /3 11:00
    1509 DE

    23 /3 03:00

    First night
    Criminal Activity

    The group found themselves ambushed by a small group of the thugs. An inspection of their belongs showed a token from a group called the Mongers.

  • 1509 DE

    30 /3 19:00
    1509 DE

    31 /3 07:00

    Palidins Pass
    Discovery, Exploration

    The group climbs up to Paladins Pass and meet an old dwarven women who introduced herself as Dorovin. She allowed them a safe spot to rest for the evening and looked upon Ro warmly. Seeming to recognize Ro just before the group leaves she stops them and gives Ro a wooden box with a black Onyx bracelet inside. She reveals herself only to Ro that she is the sister to a person Ro had long ago lost.

  • 1509 DE

    7 /4
    1509 DE

    9 /4

    Ironside Mine

    The party makes it to the Ironside mines. Lore is flocked by crows, Aster falls asleep, Ro is struck by lighting and Myx answers the call of the dirt.