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Agalin Amulet

Early Second Age saw the rise and fall of agalin, a treacherous disease caused by dark spores as much animal as they are plant. As protection against the so-called "Withering Sickness", juiwian priests in Dhuiduniu created an amulet infused with magic from both the west and the east.

The exact methods used to create these amulets were never known to outsiders, but some conclusions could be gathered from the increased amounts of rowan wood, linseed oil and various herbs and minerals purchased by the Temples during the time of the epidemic. The amulets were formed of several small pieces of rowan wood, each delicately painted and carved with strange runes from the eastern shores. Every piece gave a bitter-sweet scent of smoke and herbs and linseed oil and somehow always felt a little warm to touch.

At first only the faithful of Juiwia were seen wearing the amulets as they walked amongst the sick and dying. Agalin sprouts, its small, black tendrils rising from the corpses seemed to almost tremble near the priests, as if burned by some unseen force. It wasn't a wonder then, that soon enough anyone with the means could find themselves in possession of an amulet even while the faithful frowned on trading such precious objects for mere coin of gold.

Eventually the production of these protective charms came to an end after the epidemic subsided and some measure of safety returned to the lands. The method of their creation remained hidden somewhere in the Temples' archives, to be used again if ever the spores were to make a return from their home in deep, dark corners of earth. What amulets survived the epidemic would nonetheless find themselves worn and frail as rot made its way through the oils and into the pendant's rowan heart over the next centuries.

Dimensions & Shape:
One rowan ring: 3,5 cm in diameter, circular
14 carved rowan rings threaded through a cord into an amulet
Materials used: rowan wood, linseed oil, unknown herbs and minerals
Burn marks darken the color of bare rowan of the rings.
Each ring is decorated with a golden rim on the inner edge and silver on the outer one.
Runes carved on the wood are painted over with a vivid shade of greenish blue.

Created in: Second Age Dhuiduniu
Created by: Juiwian faithful