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Iižandu is the realm of Erinär who is the primal night, and ice and winter. It is as much her home as it is her, and for most of Silent and First Age has remained behind the walls of Anduiľi. While her breath may have crossed the border and bring winter, her realm remained chained to the lands beyond north until the arrival of the Second Age.

The Year of Tremors weakened Erinär's chains and her realm slowly began to drift over the mountains. Glaciers began to form, first only in the Nightlands in the far north, which began the Noliur Exodus and later triggered the centuries long Northern Wars. Ice covered over lakes and rivers over cold seasons, barely having enough time to melt before the arrival of the next winter. Snow and frost drowned plants and sent human and animal alike running for the southern lands.

Eventually the glaciers drowned under even the taigas of the Forest Father where most of the northern peoples dwelled. And although the expanding of Iižandu continued only until the end of the Second Age, in the end it never fully retreated back behind the Anduiľi and the northern mountains, instead lingering south over former Nightlands. Even where she did retreat, Erinär's claws left deep grooves upon the earth as she fought to keep the territory she had gained.

Ice Realm of Erinär


Pronunciation: /ˈiːʑanˌdu/
Nicknames: the Spreading Frost

Location: north beyond Anduiľi, later most of the northern continent