BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Eight-legged, many-eyed spiders are told to be born of a great web of lies, schemes and plots of humans. Every lie told, every truth avoided and every scheme plotted and manipulated adds to this web, and gives birth to more spiders.   Beside these old and half-forgotten stories, there is little known for certain about the spider. Their life cycle begins beneath the sun, in the warmth of day. They survive on hunting insects with their webs and fangs. Most die during this period of their lives whether it be as another creature's food, or by simple accident.   Within a year sunlight slowly becomes more and more uncomfortable, and so the spider seeks shelter from the shadows. A shade of a tree or a corner of a house fits them just fine, and due to their small size they are rarely spotted by any other inhabitants.   This aversion to sunlight continues to worsen during the next two, perhaps three of a spider's life, and they are forced to seek darkness deeper and more absolute than what can be found above ground.
By this point they are surviving on pure instinct, yet strings of wits and intelligence weave within their minds every day, one strand at a time. Caves and little underground corners of the world provide shelter, and instinctual cunning helps them catch prey within the dark.   Spiders continue to grow throughout their 50-some years of life. By the end of it, their intelligence may easily match that of a human. They are patient predators, waiting for the prey to find them. And though they rarely seek human prey, the secret and forgotten knowledge often draws some individuals in nonetheless. Ruňan sages who have left home to obtain such secrets may find themselves in an old spider's lair, asking about a price to an unknown word of power. These are risky endeavours, but a successful bargain usually ensures power unobtainable otherwise.   Within Minnaug, majority of stories about spiders are negative ones. Tales of children being baited into a dark cave, or downright dragged into them, never to be seen again are ever present in many stories of the medai.