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The Star Below

He stands before me, a silhouette of the purest light. It burns me, but I can't look away. It feels wrong to even think I should. I should want to go blind before looking away. He speaks, I listen. I don't understand the words, or the message, but it's important and locks itself in my mind, just at the edge of thought. Tears well up in my eyes, it hurts to look but I can't look away. I must not look away.

A nameless, forgotten temple of a dead cult stands silent and forgotten at the heart of the eastern plains. Hills hide it from direct sight and dangerous wildlife ensure nothing comes near enough to catch a glimpse of it. During the Year of Tremors when the entire world was upended, a small group of individuals arrived in front of the abandoned obsidian doors and, against all sense and sensibility, opened them.

In the middle of the temple lied a secret the ancient building had long stood guarding as much as hiding. The secrecy, the isolated location, nor the fact that no one alive had remembered its existence stood against the group's ambitions. They had been seduced by their new lord and master, and were determined to unleash Him upon the earth to challenge the stars themselves.

His true name remained unknown to even His closest servants. In the east they called Him Twówe, "the Fallen Star"; in the west His name was Usunalad, "the Light Below". In all corners of the world the name was different, but all sent the same message: the fallen son of Sun had ascended from the Below, and sought to conquer all.

The Second Age began with His rise, and ended when He did. His cult became a nation and then an empire ruling over the west and the east alike. All the while the world trembled beneath the consequences of the Year of Tremors, he waged wars in all corners of the world. Wherever His gaze turned, His enemies crumbled like flies thrown into a fire.

The void-tainted Celestial had placed some of his presence within a Vessel - a distant but direct descendants of the ancient Sun Kings of the eastern Nīwulá Valley - and placed him upon a throne of glass at the heart of his territory. There He communicated with his Chosen and made new ones, twisting humans into something else by imbuing them with His gifts.

Though at the end of the Second Age humanity had prevailed against the tainted deity, His Vessel remained immortal and unkillable, and thus a threat to the rest of the world. He was bound in a cell in an unknown and undisclosed location, with an independent force of fighters and warriors to stand guard until the end of time. After generations, the cell's location became forgotten by all but its stalwart wardens, as was the hope of the heroes who chained him. The names of the heroes themselves became engraved in history, and the only songs sung of the Star Below were those telling of the heroes who brought an end to the Second Age.

Names: Usunalad, Solath, Vale and others
Titles: Star Below, Last Light, God of Gods, Lost Son of Sun and others

Type: Celestial (corrupted)
Location: Below (ascended)

Realm: conquered earthly territory
Domain: light, order, pride, authority, arrogance
