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History of Lovenoma

Main timeline of the world of Lovenoma.

The First Age


With the retreat of Silence came humanity. Their first civilizations began to rise before the beginning of the First Age.

  • 0-15 F.A. (21-36 Y.Az)
    Conquest of Nīwulā Valley
    Military: War

    Soyaewa and his siblings Kēhmao and Sībyēmu set out to conquer and unite Nīwulā Valley. While ultimately unsuccessful, they did bring together the region known afterward as the Lower Valley, from Lake Akao and Lake Mīzlaega all the way to the eastern coast against the Far Sea.

    Full article: Conquest of Nīwulā Valley

  • Year of Tremors
    Ritual for Immortality
    Disaster / Destruction

    Asdamiel, son of Meannoi, king of the Island and descendant of the first kings, discovered a way to reach eternal life. The required ritual was known only to one wiseman in the world, but with him in the king's clutches Asdamiel could finally escape the shackles of mortality.

The Second Age


Powerful tremors from the north passed over the world as a cosmic tidal wave. The King of the Isle had achieved for himself the impossible through a dangerous ritual: life everlasting. Immortality in the hands of a mortal.   This ritual marked the end of the First Age, and the coming of the Second Age. It came to be known as a tumultuous age of war, strife, pestilence and famine.

  • Beginning of the Second Age
    War of Gods
    Military: War

    In the depths of a forgotten temple a new god is brought from the clutches of Below. This lost son of Sun and Moon, twisted and corrupted, begins his campaign against the celestials themselves, so he can become the only light in the sky.

  • 1st century S.A.
    The Long Winter
    Geological / environmental event

    As celestial gods wage ceaseless war on earth and above, the primal spirits they had kept at bay gained strength to reach beyond their realms. Erinär, the primal ice, crawled from beyond Erandu and over the Anduil toward the southern realms of men. The tundras and taigas of the north withered and froze against her breath and the weight of snow. People of the north ran as hordes southward to the lands they used to raid, now looking for shelter and safety against the coming winter.

    More: The Long Winter

  • 1st century S.A.
    Northern Wars begin
    Military: War

    A series of conflicts between clans throughout the Second Age, caused by the exodus of the Nolyur and the sudden raiding of the Aellajor. The Long Winter dwindled resources in the north, forcing even the southern clans to expand or die out.

    More: Northern Wars