Dust Mongrel

Basic Information


Dust Mongrels are lithe creatures, often with visible bone structure and muscle. Dark, thick fur covers the entire body, save for their face, which is a fearsome pale white. Sharp teeth line the strong jaws, and can quickly be replaced like those of a shark. Large claws adorn each foot, much larger than is normal for other species of canine, and their hide is thick and resistant to the heat and stone of Razorock.

Genetics and Reproduction

Not much is known of Dust Mongrel reproduction and pack life other than that they reproduce at an alarming rate. They are by far the most abundant species in the west of Landarin.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dust Mongrels live to about 20, though the harsh environment they live in rarely sees death by old age. They mature extremely quickly, reaching full size in a matter of months. Their claws are constantly growing, and so require sharpening on the hard stones of Razorock.

Ecology and Habitats

Dust Mongrels exist best in harsh environments. They have grown to use Razorocks' winding rocky landscape to both ambush prey and hide from predators. They use the underground tunnels dug by the Archorhaz to hunt and find shelter.

Additional Information


There has never been a case of successful Dust Mongrel domestication. Many failed attempts have ended in violent bloodshed.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Because of how uncommon exploration into Razorock is, uses for Dust Mongrels have yet to be discovered.

Average Intelligence

Dust Mongrels are highly intelligent in the canine world, utilizing complex pack tactics and sometimes, though rarely, learning to manipulate basic tools.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dust Mongrels have an extremely high level of perception, being able to isolate different noises at once with their well developed ears. They are equipped with two sets of eyelids, much like a reptile, in order to traverse the volcanic ash of their home.
Scientific Name
Canis Fere Mortuus
Average Height
2-3 ft.
Average Weight
20-35 lbs.
Average Length
3-4.5 ft.


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