Lualunia Homepage | World Anvil
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LuaLunia is a fantasy world that hosts the creature species Lunia. At the center of LuaLunia is Castle Square, where the king and queen of Lualunia as well as the royal family live. In LuaLunia, sub-kingdoms are ruled by elders who are a part of the royal court while the main (and largest) kingdom in the center is run by the royal family. Each region has a set mastery of magic that is powered by a gem in the middle of the region. Each Lunia gets a gem of similar color that is embedded into their body that allows them to harness their region’s powers.

This is a long-term running roleplay that allows players to insert themselves into a starting point of LuaLunia and with other players build up their own history. Similar to other online roleplay experiences, players can create their own character and roleplay at set points throughout the entire kingdom.

While the documentation provides a wonderful baseline, LuaLunia is an experience that allows story development by the players to fuel the creation of quests by a GrandMaster.
LuaLunia Base Map
Zoomed out map of the entirety of LuaLunia! Explore each nation; the coloring of this map is the color of the gem for the Lunia foxes.

Castle Army






What you need to know


Gem Blessing

History +
Royal Family


King Folas

About Me