What Touches All Things
A Greater Arcane material, influence is a viscous white, gold & platinum Metamaterial that bubbles with a constant reactivity. The root-material of all currencies, commodity materials, prized possessions, valuable secrets & information, influence is woven into every Worldly thing that holds influence over any living thing.A Nourishing Force
For those races capable of consuming influence, it is an incredibly nourishing force; a few drops more than capable of maintaining even the most Voracious of creatures for years. Due to its highly catalytic, reactive state & resting temperature well above that sustainable by most race's Shape, the consumption or contact of influence by most creatures will result in their immediate immolation.Highly Concentrated
The amount of energy required to maintain influence in a stable state is unworldly, and thus, those who are able to harness it in its pure state are few and far in between. When devolved into the world, influence will quickly break down into the fundamental materials which it is comprised of - but will retain a portion of its temperature. This results in influence manifesting itself first on a worldly plane naturally as molten metals, refined end-products, & freshly minted currencies.The Inner Workings
For every world that it touches, Influence begins spreading & self-replicating through a worldly law known as Authority. By combining energies that are attracted to articles in the universe affected by this mechanic, Influence perpetuates itself & spreads, creating more knots & spreading itself across the universe by consuming & integrating other energies. Secretive & Influential, Voracious & Agonizing, Influence imparts these traits in varying amounts into every single thing it touches.Properties
Material Characteristics
Bubbling gold & platinum marble, always shifting & swirling, Influence appears to those who lay eyes on it as a viscous ooze that interacts with the world around it like an intermingling between plastic & molten metals.
Physical & Chemical Properties
Influence has an incredibly high resting energy point and emanates a high amount of radiation both thermal & electromagnetic. The resting temperature of influence as encountered in The Veil is upwards of what most mortal races are capable of coming into contact with.
All subordinate materials that have some importance or significance to any living creature's Fate include some amount of influence in compound.
Origin & Source
Influence was brought into the universe as a material shortly the ascension of a Greater Arcane entity.
Life & Expiration
Influence has no determinable half-life and instead decays into subordinate materials at the will of its Patron.
History & Usage
Influence was first discovered by an Greater Arcane entity in the first age of Tawdrii.
Everyday use
Influence is used to drive Fated creatures to transact & interact to create more of for the Greater Arcane entity who maintains the system of influence.
Cultural Significance and Usage
Influence is used throughout Fate by most worlds, as it is nearly Fundamental to the universe.
Influence can be Transmuted into a vast majority of other energies & materials from its pure form, but otherwise is unworkable by conventional means.
Manufacturing & Products
Influence can be used in Transmutation to conjure almost any worldly article that holds import to any living thing, but cannot otherwise be used in conventional manufacturing.
Byproducts & Sideproducts
Influence often breaks down into a variety of byproduct materials & energies when brought into the Worldly plane.
- Commodity materials (oil, metals, wood)
- Currencies - physical, metaphysical, electronic
- Trade materials & bonds (rare metals, bonds, stocks, certificates)
- Memetics & influential stories.
The manifestation, refinement, manufacturing & use of influence or any of its subordinate materials inseparably ties all who use it to the Greater Arcane entity who Patronizes it.
Slightly sweet, eteric
Sweet & succulent
Gold, white & platinum
Boiling / Condensation Point
approx. 19,000°C (34232°F)
Melting / Freezing Point
approx. 18,990°C (34214°F)
58.29 g/cm3
Common State
Related Locations
Related Species
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