Soul Conduit Technology / Science in Lumarvis | World Anvil
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Soul Conduit

During the late Titanic Era and early Primal Age, when humanoids were beginning to recover from the devastation wrought by the Drog'nuuth and the treachery of the stone defenders created by the Divine Celestials, some dark wizards turned heavily to the necromantic arts. They searched for ways to enhance their skill, desiring to control more power. One of the ways they did that was through the Soul Conduit.


A Soul Conduit is typically a floating black orb similar to that of a Sphere of Annihilation. It will attempt to devour anything that touches it, siphoning the energy away from it and empowering some spell or device of the creator's intention. Some were used to channel spells of mass destruction, others to bring a fertile valley to an otherwise barren wasteland. The most common use and how they got their name, however, was to take the souls of others and send it to that of the creator, thereby extending their lifespan drastically. It left the poor individual who was used a simple husk of a person, not much more than a zombie, that will obey the mage's every command.


The process of creating a Soul Conduit was long and arduous, typically involving taking part of the soul of the creator and implanting it into a form of phylactery not that different from that of a Lich. The primary difference is that, while a Lich's holds the soul to regenerate the wizard's body, a Soul Conduit uses the energy of the soul to siphon that of others.

Social Impact

Like most necromancy, Soul Conduits became outlawed by most governments across Lumarvis due to the power that they could hold. The typical punishment for the use of one is imprisonment for life at the most lenient and death at the strictest.
Access & Availability
Soul Conduits are incredibly rare, and most think that they no longer exist, with them all being destroyed during the Primal Age and Celestial Era. However, a few still linger on in the depths throughout the world, waiting to be activated.
Soul Conduits were initially created by the Drog'nuuth as a way of siphoning the life force of those they enslaved and diverting it to the immense masses of the Ancient Ones.

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