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Prince Admon

Admon was a powerful and noble prince of Ruben and his sister, Abital was a charming and beautiful princess.

In those times the Cyanhemian King came with his children to pay tribute to the Rubenian King, Hadar II. The Cyanhemian prince saw Abital in court and lusted her. He pursued her, but Abital, being a virtuous and dutiful women rebuffed him.


One night, while Abital was in her royal garden, the Cyanhemian prince snuck in, used his powers to charm her and carried her off to the Cyanhemite camp where he stole her virtue. When he grew tried of her, he released her from the charm. Abital, realizing what was done, began to despair, weeping great tears. The Cyanhemian prince, seeing her aguish, despised her. He reached out and snapped her neck.


Admon, in the morning could not find his sister. He searched all over the castle and then, not finding her, went to the Cyanhemian camp. He was greeted by the Cyanhemian princess. While Admon was a pillar of virtue and strength, the Cyanhemian was a seductive temptress. This harlot, knowing that Admon would soon discover her brother's foul deed, offered Admon strong wine. Admon, being a man of honor did not turn down the gift. After Admon drank the wine, the princess whispered all kinds of pleasing words to him. Admon's usually astute mind was dulled and he allowed himself to be led into the princess's bedchamber. There she did remove garments and rub him with sweet scented oils all the while telling him all manner of pleasing things as he lay with her.


After he had seemingly spent his strength, she did draw a dagger from beneath her pillow and went to plunge the blade into his heart. Admon seeing the dagger did grab the temptress's wrist a pushed her away. He stood and wrapped himself in his coat, but the evil woman struck at him again, this time piercing his arm. Admon removed the dagger from his flesh and threw the seductress away. He ran out of the bedchambers and through the camp finding the body of his sister tossed in a heap.


Admon was a great warrior, none the less, duty to his family was more noble than the honor of battle. He cradled his sister's corpse and fled before the the Cynhemian guards. He returned a short while later with Rubenian soldiers to punish the abominations, but in that time, they had all fled. From that point on, no Cynhemian has ever been welcomed into Ruben.


A Cyanhemian prince raped and kill Rubenite Princess Abital. A Cyanhemian princess seduced and attempted to kill Rubenite Prince Admon.

Historical Basis

The names mentioned in the myth are all real historical people.


This myth is commonly told in Ruben.

Variations & Mutation

In some Abital is forcibly raped and impregnated. She is eaten from the inside out by the child and Admon travels to Cyanhemian city for revenge.    Admon kills the Cyanhemian prince and princess.    It is the Cyanhemian Queen who comes to visit.

Cultural Reception

This is one of the many Rubenite myths detailing the evils of Cyanhemites. In fact it is one of the oldest.


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