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  Changelings are commonly harmless, passive people and are uninterested in politics and social affairs. Due to their capricious ways of life, however, many people have come to distrust changelings, which has led to them becoming social recluses or more commonly has pushed them to create fake identities to escape persecution.

Having no culture of their own, changelings slip into other's societies and blend in. Rather than creating their own art and achievements, changelings are happy with claiming other societies' as their own. This nomadic lifestyle has led changelings to become exceptionally adaptable people. Changelings will not simply shapeshift into a new person but rather create a new whole one. Most changelings will set up a handful of personas so if one is compromised they can disappear and switch to one of their others. Their personas are incredibly realistic and have their own personality traits, backgrounds, and a network of friends. Changelings can be evasive and will often try to avoid confrontation or anything that will draw attention to themselves.

Changelings have long been persecuted by other races, seen at best as tricksters and con-artists, at worst as thieves and assassins. Many people find it hard to trust changelings, and while their talents make them natural spies and criminals, in reality, a changeling is just as likely as any creature to turn to good or evil. Some changelings work hard to remove this stigma, but each time a changeling is caught robbing from a wealthy merchant or sneaking about where they are not welcome, it only perpetuates the stereotype.

In general, changelings are prudent and cautious, preferring to take risks only when they feel that their chances are good or the payoff is worth it. They appreciate the finer things in life and take great pleasure in the comforts of a wealthy lifestyle when they can obtain it. They avoid direct confrontation, preferring stealthy strikes and hasty retreats whenever possible. In conversation, they are soft-spoken but have a gift for drawing out more information than the other party usually plans to reveal.  
  • Changelings rarely steal personas, but rather create their own fake identites.
  • For RP purposes, each one should have some flair, related to the shapeshifting: inability to mimic the accent, all personas share same hair tint, so on. Any distinctive feature, that is not obvious on first contact but further on hints on the origin of the character.
  • When shifting, clothes, jewelry and so on don't dissapear.
  • Shapeshifting is not magic, so it cannot be discovered by dispelling illusions.
  • You cannot change to a creature, or larger or smaller than a humanoid. Meaning no dwarves, goblins, half-giants and everything that gets too much over your scale.
Players wishing to play a Changeling must submit a rare race application to staff for approval.

Character Build

While changelings can look like anyone, they do have a true form. Their natural look can be scary to some due to their lack of detail and distinctive features. Their skin tone is always pale, either white or light grey, and they tend to have slender bodies with limbs slightly longer in proportion to other humanoids and their eyes are colourless. Their hair colour is most commonly a light shade of silver followed by platinum and blonde. In rarer cases, their hair can be pale shades of green, pink, and blue. Similar to elves, changelings lack body and facial hair.

However, most changelings are rarely seen in their true form and prefer to adopt all kinds of humanoid shapes, treating their appearance like others treat clothes. This includes gender.

All changeling names are unisex and are very short, usually one syllable.  
  • Height Minimum = 170cm(5'5")
  • Height Maximum = 200cm(6'5")
    Roleplay Redux Racial Abilities:

  • Granted racial ability "Change Form". Removes current form.
  • Granted racial ability "Agile". An increase to Dexterity.
  • Granted racial ability "Strong". An increase to Strength.
  • Granted racial ability "Stout". An increase to Constitution.
Indrid's Racial Stats:
  • Strength: 3
  • Vitality: 2
  • Grit: 4
  • Agility: 5
  • Perks: Troll Blood, Fight or Flight, Second Wind, Homeostasis, Night Vision
A shapshifting changeling.


  Patron Deity: None
Alignment: Usually Neutral
Average Lifespan: 100 Years


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