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  Tabaxi, also known as jaguar people or cat-men, are a race of feline humanoids native to the jungles of Maztica in Faerûn.   Tabaxi are a reclusive people who often avoid interaction with other intelligent races. However, as each tabaxi possesses a specific feline trait, some have an innate curiosity that compels them to travel and seek out stories, artifacts, new experiences and knowledge, never remaining in the same place or obsessing over the same piece of lore for too long. Not all tabaxi are motivated by curiosity to leave their homeland, however. Some find safer ways to satisfy their fleeting obsessions by becoming traveling minstrels and tinkers, often accepting interesting objects and stories as payment for their services.   Tabaxi are exceptional hunters and utilize these skills in combat. Speed and stealth combined with their natural camouflage mean that tabaxi are particularity skilled at surprise attacks. Tabaxi are even known to disguise their scent with aromatic herbs. Their hunting skills and intelligence make them formidable tacticians. Groups will often drive prey into ambushes, sometime playing with their doomed foe before killing them. Tabaxi clans do have berserker warriors within them, these are known as blood-stalkers.   Tabaxi society is built around clans. Clans are split evenly between males and females with 3 to 12 young. Each clan has several Hunts each made up of two to eight individuals. The Hunts patrol the area around the clan's lair. Although tabaxi lairs are sometimes just temporary, they are more often small villages of ramadas. Each ramada was built from wooden poles with grass roofs.   Clans are led by elders. About half of the time, leaders are aided by shamans. Clans tend to avoid each other and do not engage in trade. Tabaxi consider trade to be demeaning, but in rare instances will use third party agents to trade for them  

Character Build

Tabaxi are taller than most humans at 6 to 7 feet. Their bodies are slender and covered in spotted or striped fur. Like most felines, Tabaxi have long tails and retractable claws. Tabaxi fur color ranges from light yellow to brownish red. Tabaxi eyes are slit-pupilled and usually green or yellow.   Depending on their region and fur coloration, tabaxi are known by different names. Tabaxi with solid spots are sometimes called leopard-folk and tabaxi with rosette spots are called jaguar-folk.  
Tabaxi are not just cat-girls or cat-boys (aka humans with cat ears/tails) tabaxi are their own race with their own unique appearances. Staff will reject any Tabaxi who are simply humans with catears. Upon submitting your tabaxi character, please also send a screenshot of your tabaxi.
  • Height Minimum = 183cm(6'0")
  • Height Maximum = 214cm(7'0")
  Roleplay Redux Racial Abilities:
  • Granted racial ability "Feline Agility". An increase to move speed and climbing speed.
Indrid's Racial Stats:
  • Strength: 2
  • Expertise: 3
  • Grit: 5
  • Agility: 5
  • Perks: Fight or Flight, Feast, Sharp Eye, Night Vision
A halfling scholar


  Patron Deity: Cat Lord, Tezca, Nula
Alignment: Usually Usually Chaotic
Average Lifespan: < 100 Years


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