Necromi Ethnicity in Lunarreef | World Anvil
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The Necromi are the people of necrom, one of the two countries in the continent of Liuwrela.
Its people are Kegale, a species that can transform into animals and exist in the shadow realm.
in the year 3318 Edris (the neighbouring country) declared war on Necromi killing all they found and forcing the rest into hiding. (see Edris- "Normal folk" VS Necromi- "Monsters" for more information).
After the war, the remaining free people went into hiding either blending in with the people of Edris or moving to other continents. The once strong united nation has been destroyed its people forced to abandon their forefathers ways in order to survive.


Major language groups and dialects

Luvada is the official language with Nhecduin being the contries dialect.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

At the end of the year the Festival of Shadows is celebrated with much enthusiasm. It's a holiday with divine roots, that celebrates Venneas, Goddess Of the Shadow realm and the gift that she gave to the Kegale, It is celebrated for three days.

At the beginning of the year the Festival of Lights is celebrated with awe and wonder. It's a holiday with divine roots, that celebrates Cudite god of the light realm for the balance and life that he grants. it is celebrated for three days.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

it is tradition to gift a newborn baby symbolic items representing each of its family members. It's supposed to be an omen of good fortune.

Coming of Age Rites


marriage normally happens between the ages of 18 and 28

it is tradition to wear a crown of flowers when you get married. It's supposed to brighten the future of the married couple.

Common Myths and Legends

Venneas, Goddess Of the Shadow realm is a highly trusted and often feared goddess. hospitality and heritage are very important elements this divine being is associated with and most would regard her as agonizing and freethinking. Often depicted as a form of a dog Sagyn is usually worshipped through atonements and offerings.   Cudite god of the light realm Cudite is a vastly feared and deeply honored god. Respect, guidance and chance are dominant elements this divine being is associated with and his personality is often described as protective and exciting. Often depicted as giant, strong and young Cudite is usually worshipped through atonements and pledges.


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