Elmensa Species in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Elmensa are a humanoid owl species. They have the facial features of an owl, their body is covered in feathers, and they have a large set of wings. However, they also have hands and the body shape of a humanoid creature. Although they are winged creatures, they do not have the ability to fly.

Genetics and Reproduction

Once they reach maturity, Elmensa reproduce sexually, through copulation. They will usually mate once per year. A female will lay eggs, usually around 2-4, not all of which will survive. After roughly a month the eggs hatch, with the help of the mother.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elmensa young grow at a faster rate than humans, usually reaching maturity at around 10 years of age. For the first year of their life, they require large amounts of parental involvement and remain covered in down. Slowly over the next few years, their feathers come in and they begin learning to hunt.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Elmensa are carnivores. They generally prey on smaller creatures but have occasionally been known to go after larger prey, especially when working with a group.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elmensa have excellent senses. Their hearing is so precise they can pick up sounds from up to a half-mile away. Their assymetrical ear placement allows them to pinpoint the direction of sound. When there is a sound, the difference between the time it hits the left ear and the time it hits the right ear is microscopic. They turn their head until the sound is equal to both ears and thus find the direction of the sound.   Their vision is also very good. They can see very far, especially in low light and they have great depth perception. Their eyes cannot rotate on their own. Their heads can rotate up to 270 degrees, allowing for adjusting where they are looking.   Elmensa have hairlike feathers on their beak and feet that allow for feeling things up close.
Scientific Name
Ibis Sapientes
40 years
Average Height
3.5 - 4.5 ft
Average Weight
70 - 90 lbs

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