Jazavach Species in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Jazavach are a species of humanoid badgers.

Basic Information


Jazavach have a humanoid body with the face of a badger. Their feet are clawed, and most often bare. They have paw-like hands with long claws, and they are covered in fur except on their chest/stomach area, and their legs.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Jazavach have a monarchy-like structure. They are ruled by a chieftain. Although they don't have much in the way of a hierarchy for those lucky enough to be "normal", they do have a very rigid group of those who are considered "lesser".

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found in the forests near Imvald and Kivulaz, roaming in small tribes.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Although not much in the way of an actual organization, the Jazavach do worship Feranoct the Impulsive. They believe that she guides them to food and water and watches over them. There are not any shrines or temples in public spaces, but many keep small tokens to her on their person or in their home.

Common Dress Code

All but the chieftain wear mostly peasant's clothes, frequently made with the fur and hide of local wildlife.
Scientific Name
Badger Humanum
Average Height
5 ft
Average Weight
130 lbs
Geographic Distribution

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