Koshka Ethnicity in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Culture and cultural heritage

Koshkas are masters of Illyuziya - Illusions. Their livelihood and culture are dependent on it. However, the use of this magic is reserved for the females. Many of the jobs in their society revolve around illusion magic. The koshka are known around the world for two things. First, they are master assassins and are hired by powerful people all across the world. The assassin ranks are filled entirely with females, males are not considered worthy to hold a position with them. Second, they are performers, and they travel around putting on shows along the way. Males and females alike become performers, but the females are responsible for the more adventurous and magical forms of entertainment.   While children are generally chosen and trained for their occupation, it is not until a koshka female reaches her eighth birthday and crafts her Dragotsenny that she is fully able to begin her career. Females are mostly chosen for the higher status jobs, the entertainers and assassins, but they are also still involved in some of the simple jobs around town, such as farming, shopkeeping, etc. Male koshkas are also chosen young, but they are able to enter into a more permanent role whenever they are ready, they do not have to wait until they have come of age. The males take on the task of running the day to day life of the koshka settlement. They are also responsible for the rearing of children.   Female koshkas are often in positions that have them traveling the world. They are generally separated from their people and have no way to form lasting relationships or procreate. This means that, starting when they are around 12 years old, a female returns to the village for about a year to mate and give birth to her first litter of young. She then leaves them in the care of her mate and goes back out into the world, returning around eight years later to repeat the cycle over again. When a female koshka reaches around forty years of age, her time of usefulness is considered finished. She then returns to her tribe and resumes her role as a matriarchal influence. Frequently, she returns to her previous mate and spends the rest of her time with him. These older, more experienced females are the highest status members of society, and the koshka leaders are chosen from among these ranks. These older females are also responsible for sorting children, based on their aptitudes, into their respective occupations.

Coming of Age Rites

Upon reaching their eighth year, female Koshkas are given a piece of Umbra Lapis. They then fashion a necklace with which to wear it, called a Dragotsennyy. This necklace is viewed as a symbol that they are ready to enter the world and take up their mantel in society.   Male Koshkas have no coming of age rite.


Gender Ideals

The Koshkas are a matriarchal people. The females are the most powerful in their society, and all the decisions are made by those females in leadership positions. Males are subservient to the females, and they are given rights, both breeding and otherwise, by them.
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