Sanmoku Species in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Sanmoku do not breathe or eat the way other creatures do. The tentacles on their chin have thousands of suckers that draw in air from the world around them, and nutrients from things that they touch.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The sanmokus are a divisive people. They are frequently in conflict. Their ability to utilize psionic powers does not help unify them. Their constant attempts to control each other only cause more problems.

Facial characteristics

A sanmoku has three eyes. The third eye is sightless. They have no nose or mouth, and tentacles growing from the chin. The tentacles are covered in thousands of tiny suckers, much smaller and more numerous than an octopus. They also have two curved horns on their bald heads.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sanmoku communicate with the world using telepathy. They can hear and see much like a human, but they can communicate only telepathically. They can also use psionic powers, granted by Nenriki the Mind-Warper.

Civilization and Culture


Sanmoku were created by Nenriki the Mind-Warper.
Scientific Name
Tertio oculi polypus
100 Years
Average Height
6 ft
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Bing AI


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