The Ruler of Weather Prose in Lunautta | World Anvil
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The Ruler of Weather

In the beginning, there was fear. Tempests roared, lightning struck, and torrents of rain crashed to the ground. People were afraid of what the sky would do next, and often cried to the Storm Mother to give them favorable winds and calm rain. Sometimes it felt as though there was no one listening, and sometimes the weather seemed to get even worse. One day, a slight young woman chose to brave the storm. She was sure that she would find the goddess amid the rain and wind and she could plead with her for relief. In the center of the storm she stood, soaked to the bone, face red from the whipping of the wind. She cried out to the Storm Mother, desperate for her to heed the call. The wind stole away her words, and she could not hear her own voice over the sound of the storm. As she stood watching, a large pulsing purple light began in the clouds. She watched in avid interest as the light grew brighter. With a large crack, the light struck down upon her and she fell to the ground, seemingly dead.    When she awoke, the storm had cleared. She was dry and warm, and there was a pulsing energy within her. Curious, she walked home. Soon enough, the tempests again roared in. As soon as the dark clouds began to gather, she felt the pulsing within her grow stronger. As the rain began to pour down, she heard a quiet voice in her ear. "Extend your hand, and rebuke the storm." She hesitated, not knowing if she had heard words of divine guidance or if her own mind was betraying her. But the pulsing inside of her continued to grow, refusing to be ignored. She stepped outside, and trying not to feel silly, raised her hands in the air. "Begone storm! Bring us back the sky." So slowly that she at first did not notice, the storm began to roll back, the clouds shrinking. The sun broke through and shone down.   She stared at her hands. Surely this could not be. How had the storm so suddenly vanished? She could not believe what she had seen. Over the next few months, she kept the tempests at bay, slowly gaining more confidence in her abilities. She even began to bring in small, calm rainstorms to water the crops. She was soon the most important person in town, bringing good weather wherever she went. All the while, she called to the goddess, begging for help, and thanking for her good fortune.

Cover image: by Bing AI


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