The Wild Moon Geographic Location in Lunautta | World Anvil
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The Wild Moon


All of the biomes present on Lunautta are present on the moon as well, although they do not have any of the same negative aspects as they do on Lunautta. For example, volcanoes exist, but their magma is not hot. The moon is an imitation of Lunautta, albeit in a more perfect way. Everything found on Lunautta was created on the moon before it was ever placed there. The imitations on the moon are in their perfect state - with nothing having the same detrimental qualities that they might have on Lunautta.  

Fauna & Flora

The moon is covered in all manner of plants and animals. It is a sort of paradise, not too hot or too cold, and filled with beautiful plants that are always in bloom, along with interesting animals. It is generally peaceful. The animals that are there were created by Feranoct the Impulsive before she sent them to Lunautta. The failures are disposed of. Among the flora and fauna, you will not find any predatory behavior. Even the biting insects just harmlessly fly around. There is no death on the moon, and there is no reproduction. The animals that are there stay there until Feranoct the Impulsive has grown tired of them and snuffs them out.  

Natural Resources

The moon does not produce any resources. Everything here is somewhat transient and is an imitation of the actual animals and plants that cover the planet. Thus, they produce nothing. And as there is nothing wanting, given Feranoct the Impulsive's lack of need, there is no reason to provide resources.
Planetoid / Moon
Characters in Location

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