Vyevericha Species in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Vyevericha are a race of humanoid squirrels. They have mostly settled the lands in the western forests of Lanessa.

Basic Information


Vyevricha are a species of humanoid squirrel. They're legs and arms are similar to an actual squirrels, but they are bipedal and do not ever walk on all fours. They have a squirrel face and a large bushy tail.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Vyevericha are a peace-loving people. They are generally quiet and calm and do not get into conflicts easily.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Vyevericha are found in the woodland areas of southwestern Lannessa. They have built civilizations in the forests along with many other woodland dwelling creatures.

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Most Vyevericha worship the weather goddess, Olujia the Storm Mother. They have small shrines built up to her throughout their cities, and most have a home shrine as well. Although they have some access to the goddess's power, they mostly use it in small ways, such as snuffing out a candle with a small gust of wind, or changing the immediate weather in the area, although they rarely use it in this way. They believe that the weather goddess will bless them with their preferred weather, and when the weather is not what they might wish, they think that that is the will of the Storm Mother.
Scientific Name
Sciurus Homines
60 years
Average Height
4 ft
Average Weight
80 lbs
Geographic Distribution

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