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Skjolđr Bjornson

Skjolđr Bjornson

Born to Chief Bjorn of the eastern tribes, Skjolđr was raised along side his elder brother Ensifur. Knowing one day Ensifur would rule the tribe, Skjolđr did gladly accepted his role as a protector of his brother and began learning the martial arts to keep his brother safe from all harm.   To further his education Skolđr began to travel, resolving to return once his brother was ready to take the throne. His time traveling lead him eventually to Arberrang, and into the service of King Meinolf as well as under the tutelage of Faucks, an elite member of the royal gaurd. Faucks taught Skolđr the use in a variety of weapons and the ways of the city. Faucks was like the older brother Skolđr left in the east, but also like a father. In time Skjolđr (with Faucks' aid) grew in rank, and took on more and more functions with the king, becoming one of his top guards. Skjolđr served with loyalty and determination, even at cost to himself at times. One example was when a vagabond who had issue with the king, decided to bribe Skjolđr to kill the king, or at least let another in to do the dead. The money was substantial, possibly even enough to return home and place his brother on the throne, but the dishonor associated with the act was to great, so Skjolđr killed the man, and took his severed head to King Meinolf as proof of the conspiracy.   While not quite there yet, Skolđr thinks he will soon have enough funds to return home and raise an army large enough to claim the throne for his brother, and hopefully earn his respect once more.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Well built, strong and capable due to years of intense training and combat experience.

Body Features

A few scars, many faded with time.

Facial Features

Short hair, short to no beard. Fierce eyes the bear into ones soul.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to a chief in the east, left home to learn the martial ways to better serve his brother when he took the throne. Lived in


Straight. No committed relationships, likely spent allot of time at local brothels and taverns.


Learned to fight from his father, and furthered his education with the gaurd and under Fauks' tutelage.


Joined the city gaurd/mercenary gaurds when entering the city.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ended a coup before it began by killing the perpetrators when they offered him coon to do the dead.

Intellectual Characteristics

Observant, decisive, good at intimidating others.

Morality & Philosophy

Loyalty and honor above all else. Pride and faith in ones self. Duty, to family, and to those you have sworn to.

Personality Characteristics


To serve the king faithfully, and one day return home to support and serve Ensifur as king.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good at intimidation, he is like a bouncer who you may not notice until he is already kicking your ass.   Will not change his mind once he makes a decesion, nor accept compromise if it contradicts orders from a superior.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes - Alcohol. Woman. Lowkey likes saving lives.   Dislikes - Those who beg for mercy. Disloyality.

Virtues & Personality perks

Loyal. Honorable. His given word is a guarantee.

Vices & Personality flaws

Sees the world as primarily black and white, very little grey.   Side note - this is not a good/evil mindset, Skjolđr accepts the world as heavily flawed, but anything that follows the ideas of loyalty/honorable is good, anything else is bad.

Personality Quirks

Sharpens his knife obsessively. Checks/cleans his gear in a very specific ritual, typically once a week and after use.


Good hygiene, primarily for the practical reason of avoiding infection.


Contacts & Relations

Fauks - mentor and superior officer, viewed as an older brother/father figure in some ways. King Meinolf - commander and chief, will do as ordered when ordered. Ultimate loyalty currently to the king. Ensifur - brother, plans to return home and support his brother once again. Probably a few barkeeps and specific girls at local establishments.

Family Ties

Ensifur - brother, Skjolđr wishes to support his claim to the throne in the near future.

Religious Views

Worships the loom mother, though religion is not a major aspect of his personality.

Social Aptitude

Strong silent type, somewhat commanding presence.

Hobbies & Pets

No pets, spends free time at taverns/brothels as well as maintaining gear.

Skjoldr is basically a varangian guard who's goal is to defend the king. He is more of the strong silent type, and wishes to one day return home and advance his brother, Ensifur, to the throne.

View Character Profile
32 years
The east.
Current Residence
Dirty blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
190 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
Known Languages

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