
Gulina: main currency name

Gruri: Equivelent to cents

Abreviation for Gulina: GL

Abreviation for Gruri: GR

Mechanics & Inner Workings

It has a hole in the center, which is used to string the coins onto rope. There are 1, 10, and 100 cent coins


The Gulina were first created as stone coins, in year 400 BLM, in Aynia. The inital creator is unknown. In year 300 BLM, they were then made of silver and gold. In year 200 BLM, they started to become popular throught Nira. Later, in year 100 BLM, they made paper Gulina. They first made a digital currency in year 0 CEL.


It is the main currency throughout Lyamia, and is
Item type
Currency & Deeds
Creation Date
400 BLM
Very common, as it is used and accepted globally
Base Price
Raw materials & Components

Coins: Gold, Silver, Bronze

Paper money: Paper, Ink

Coin press