Time names

The names of each month and season.

h2]Unless specified, all climate info applies to Nira. Note that most seasons start late in the month [

Month 1
Frujall, this is the coldest month of the year. It snows nonstop in every continent except Ora. Leaves all are now snow-white.
Month 2
Iilp, this is often known as the 'month of love'. Leaves and flowers all turn varying shades of pink, red, purple, and white. The sunsets are pink and purple during this month, with pink and white clouds. This is also the first month of Ota
Month 3:
Caept, this is often recognized as a more childish season, all greenery is pastel colors, sunsets and clouds are also pastel. Leaves and flowers take on a more rounded shape. It is fairly warm.
Month 4:
Xudr, often regarded as the nature month, plants do not change color, but plant growth is doubled. It is often recommended to begin planting during this month.
Month 5:
Vrucis, often regarded as the beauty month. In this month, everyone magically has a lot more confidence, and nature is looking the most beautiful out of the whole year. They also have sales at many beauty and fashion stores. Its less that people are magically more beautiful but more confident and feeling more beautiful
Month 6:
Pinox, this is the first month of Sunstark. It often is fairly humid and warm. Flowers tend to faintly glow during Pinox
Month 7:
Gilapt, this is the hottest season. All water becomes sparklier, and clearer.
Month 8:
Moorc, this is the first month of Murree. It tends to be very wet and rainy
Month 9:
Slyhs, this is the harvest season, as plants planted in Xudr are now harvestable. This season tends to be cold, with seasonal stables such as apple cider. Leaves also start to fall.
Month 10:
Zyul, this is the spooky season. Leaves and trees begin to be faintly tinted purple and orange, and flowers change to these colors.
Month 11:
Stobu, this is a cold month, and is the start of Frostcrest. Most outdoor objects start to sparkle from a thin layer of frost and snow.
Month 12:
Blux, this is the month in which most holidays fall. Second coldest month, and the tips of leaves on trees glow colors from snow white to sky blue. In Riori, there is nonstop snow

Season names

Warm Season: Ota

Hot Season: Sunstark

Cool Season: Murree

Cold Season: Frostcrest


Sivirent is a holiday celebrated from the 20th to the 25th of Blux. The holiday is celebrated over 7 days, which different themes and celebrations each day.

On the first day, Ristn, people will rest and relax.

On the second day, Feomitl, people will gather with family and friends

On the third day, Fetina, people make a big feast and eat it

On the fourth day, Korwir, people will stay up for fireworks at midnight, and go to parades in the daytime

On the fifth day, people will open presents from their family and friends

Sopka is a holdiay celebrated on the 30th of Zyul. Celebrating the unique nature of the month, people will put up spooky decor several days prior, which stays up for a few days. People will dress up in various coustumes, knock on the doors of houses, and get candy, toys, and other stuff, to put in colorful baskets bags and buckets they carry around. It is very similar to halloween.

Ayasi is a holiday celebrated on the 13th of Slyhs. Celebrating the harvest, everyone has a huge feast, which often includes local staples. It varies from place to place.

On the 7th of Iilp, they celebrate Lavoi, which is a day of love, where people are encoureged to ask out crushes and go on dates. People who dont feel love, or dont want love, often celebrate with friends. Either way, people give out chocolates, flowers, and colorful sugar hearts