Lyorion Where Gods rise, Titans fall, Draconis rule, and Demon’s play.

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Editorial Team

Lyorion is a world filled with magic, mystery, and wonder. The monumental power of Mana visible through the lowest valley village, through the dense and eccentric forests, and to the roar snow capped peaks. Mana is the life force that flows through all living things. The blood of the world, crafted by a cosmic energy trapped with an unknown void.

Magic, the manifestation of mana, is brought to life by all things living within Lyorion. Blessed by faith, institutionalized through runic incantations, or harnessed by innate connections to the world around them. Magical prowess can be exhibited through varying degrees of capabilities. Many never learn to harness their own powers, some learn to only exhibit small sparks of magic, and even fewer learn to wield magic in extraordinary ways both good and evil. While magic has been used to aid cities, heal the wounded, and win wars. It's use in more nefarious plans are not uncommon and has been recorded to bring an entire city to ruins.

Lyorion houses many varying species. From the technology focused Nogmi, the savage and battle hardy Dwarv, to fierce and mighty Draconis. Not all creatures live the same life and many do not share the same culture or values. Wars have raged within the lands, lives have been lost, and victories have been made. Heroes and villains exist and stretch outward through greying lines of good and evil. A knight on horseback, savior to the people or mastermind behind the onslaught? A treasure hunter stumbling upon ruins of an ancient artifact, the means to riches or a curse to plummet into chaos.

Within Lyorion choices can be endless. A single choice can reshape the world, and our entire understanding of it all. The choices is yours now, what will you choose adventurer?