Dilippon Species in Lyra | World Anvil


The Dilippon is a six-limbed herbivorous creature native to the grassy plains of Nyria. With four slender legs and two wings, it is a graceful and agile animal that is perfectly adapted for running and gliding. Its hooves are hard and sharp, allowing it to traverse rough terrain with ease, while its wings are mostly used for long jumps and gliding, rather than sustained flight.
  In addition to its agile movement and ability to glide, the Dilippon also has a defensive mechanism in the form of a bony crest running along its back and tail. This crest can be raised and used as a weapon when the Dilippon is threatened, providing an extra layer of protection against predators.
  The Dilippon has a long, slender neck and a small, delicate head with large eyes that provide excellent vision. Its ears are long and pointed, and it has a tuft of hair on the top of its head. Its fur is a light, sandy color, which provides excellent camouflage in its grassy habitat.
  The Dilippon feeds primarily on grasses and other low-lying plants, using its sharp incisors to crop the vegetation. It is a social animal, living in herds that can range in size from a few individuals to several hundred. The herds are led by a dominant female, who is responsible for protecting the group and making decisions about where to graze and rest.
  In terms of reproduction, Dilippons give birth to a single offspring at a time, with females giving birth every two to three years. The young are born with a coat of soft, downy fur and are able to stand and run within a few hours of being born. They remain with their mothers for several months before striking out on their own. Dilippons can live for up to 15 years in the wild.
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Cover image: Unknown by Unknown Artist


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