Kingdom of Jyn Urngor

The Kingdom of Jyn Urngor was founded in 81 AA when a young dwarf named Olric Stonehammer and his band of mercenaries traveled east to see what lay beyond the mountains. They found a seemingly endless desert and Olric Stonehammer claimed the mountains and everything east of them himself. He named the mountain range Orhim Vanahrut. Since everyone else was focused on the fertile lands around the Deep Sea he met no resistance.   Through either luck or dwarven instinct, it did not take long for Olric Stonehammer to turn his mercenary camp into lucrative mining operation and from there a world power. The kingdom supplies nearly 90% of all forged metal in the world. This makes everyone except Nesh Tel' All heavily reliant on on keeping up good relations with Jyn Urngor.   Jyn Urngor is the one of the most diverse places in the world, only rivaled by Telix. Olric Stonehammer's mercenary band was made up of all races and the people that flocked to him came from all over.   Olric Stonehammer is at the end of his life, living longer that most. He has not named a successor and never took a wife so he has nearly two dozen recognized children, along with who knows how many others. The power vacuum he will leave behind could be catastrophic.


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