Russell Renoux

Russell would describe himself as a simple wandering swordsman, but most people that have crossed paths with him would disagree. Those people would say he is a scholar or a blademaster, a monster slayer or a guardian, a kind old man or a brutal killer. In truth he is all of those things. He travels from town to town protecting the weak and looking for worthy students.

Russell's brand of training is far different from any traditional training. He often teaches the bare minimum and moves on. He will usually come back and check on the students progress from time to time to pass along another lesson before moving on again. He firmly believes in a sink or swim style of learning. Most of his students do not get very far through his training program, but even the ones that can't hack it end up formidable compared to a classically trained soldier. If a student shows more potential than most, he will often kick off a series of events to push them out of their comfort zone and into real danger so they can really shine.


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