The Forged Rebellions

Its hard to say when the Forged Rebellions actually started. From an outside perspective, they seemed to just happen out of no where. There were no signs of unrest or resistance. The Forged did not gather in secret or recruit others. There was only a handful of people that were even aware they had become self aware and those were just written off as an anomaly. The rebellions all happened at once a few days before the end of 464 AA. It only lasted a couple of weeks.   The main part of the rebellion was in Telix. Everywhere else the rebellion was more of peaceful sit-in protest. There was a couple of scuffles but virtually all of the causalities were in the capitol and very low all things considered. The Forged only resorted to violence when the council would not recognize them as an independent people, and even then only two counsel members were killed. After that the counsel agreed to sit down with The Forged so they could come to a peaceful agreement.   The peaceful sit-ins continued for a few weeks while details got hammered out and word spread.


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