The Lunar Siblings

The Lunar Siblings is a Grel religion. They started to worship the two moons after the double eclipse they called the Midday Night.
  There are no codified rules or rituals. Each Grel worships in their own way, and it is mostly just thanking the moons or dedicating a kill to them.
  The Grel believe the moons are responsible for creating monsters and providing them with greater and greater things to hunt. They named them Ni Nys and Ary Tan, Little Sister and Nobel Brother in elvish. The moons had been named previously but no one seems willing to tell the Grel that fact.
  There are several days each year considered holy. When there are two new moons, it is call the sleeping siblings and it is a day of rest. It is considered bad luck to do any fighting. Some Grel have twisted this and believe the sleeping siblings is when they can do things that would be considered shameful. Two full moons, called Watchers' Day, is a time to hunt monsters. It is considered shameful to kill anything else on these days. The last day is during a double eclipse, called the Midday Night. This has not occurred since the religion started but the Grel talk about it like it will era changing event.


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