The Im'ias Ethnicity in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Im'ias

After the Anabhi rebellion the Anabhi settled into several different sovereign powers across the Na’zon delta. None was powerful enough to take out the other and over time, long before the Anabhi civil war, the islands and their cultures grew apart. The Im’ias were the largest subdivision. After the rebellion they retained good relations with the Ardahan, fighting in wars together and enabling free trade. The economic prosperity of both nations caused the poorer casts of Ardahan society to seek out wealth in the less densely populated Duchy of Im’ani. Due to this cohabitation, there are great traces of Ardahan culture in Im'ias society. This led to an even more culturally divergent Im’ias people in regards to their Anabhi cousins.


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