The Qua'durnoi-Verh'el Naghul Ethnicity in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Qua'durnoi-Verh'el Naghul

The Qua’durnoi-Verh’el Naghul are another strange people. Their origins lie in the Mèdhar, where the legendary Ai’ri Qua’khal discovered the Zagnoi’dur. The culture of the Qua’durnoi-Verh’el Naghul is quite unique in that its seasons are based on the frequent droughts of its capital. When the Naghul oasis dries up the Qua’drunoi-Verh’el Naghul ride their Zagnoi’dur out of Verh’el Naghul like a flock of birds in flight. They spread in all directions and leave destruction in their wake. And after raiding season they return to live off the riches of the plunder.


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