The Siva Siva Ethnicity in M'jørf | World Anvil
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The Siva Siva

The Siva Siva are one of the original clans of Valdir. They have always been, and shall always remain, the smallest of the clans of Valdir. Where all the other clans of Valdir seem to bear similarities to one another, the Siva Siva is unique. The truth of the matter is that the Siva Siva are the closest descendants of the mermaids of the sea. They have been cast out and slowly evolved into the culture and species that they are now. This also explains the chance scales on Siva Siva adults and the round fishy eyes of the Siva Siva. Due to this past the Siva Siva are also able to survive underwater for long periods of time, although eventually they’ll have to resurface as their gills don’t fill their lungs completely. As for their nature, the Siva Siva are some of the kindest souls one can meet on Valdir.


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