Treaty of Eridani Document in M'jørf | World Anvil
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Treaty of Eridani

The following document stipulates the bilateral agreement of alliance between the nations of Ophiuchi and Orithyia. Herein the nations of Ophiuchi and Orithyia declare an alliance for the length of 50 years. Any notions of war between both sovereign entities are hereby dispelled unto such time as the termination or the finality of this treaty’s term.
Furthermore the governments of both nations accept the responsibilities cast upon them in times of war. These are the obligations;
  1. To participate, in favour of each other, when called upon in war.
  2. To raise troops to aid in said participation.
  3. To join together forces in defence of the Azahr faith and any heathens who would threaten it.
  4. To provide aid; monetarily, medically or in the form of food when so requested by the other. And to provide these with haste.
In addition, each nation agrees to provide to the other all information concerning any potentially hostile governments and their actions.
Grounds for termination of this treaty are as follows;
  1. Failure to meet the obligations of this treaty
  2. Mutual agreement for the termination of this treaty
  3. Betrayal of the faith or values of the Azahr faith
  Signed,     Milla I Alleyn
As sovereign of
The Duchy of Ophiuchi     Saartje I Ayagi
As sovereign of
The Duchy of Orithyia     Signed in Eridani, on the 21st of Otsalia in the Year of the Beginning
Treaty, Diplomatic
Vellum / Skin
Authoring Date
10th Otsalia 1 KA
Ratification Date
21st Otsalia 1 KA
Expiration Date
21st Otsalia 51 KA
Signatories (Organizations)


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