Ra'koom: Meaning "Shook"; used to describe the feeling of being startled, often referring to the moment when U'krhith first witnessed humanity enter Cava Nox.Ra'koom is one of many names for the event of U'krhith entering the universe and causing destruction on an intergalactic level. Word of U'krhith's arrival to the universe had been recorded as far back as ancient times in the galaxy. This is due to the human survivors that had escaped Cava Nox but were scattered through time and space. First recorded evidence and absolute proof of U'krhith's arrival to the galaxy was reported by the Galactic Security Institution, however nothing could be done to stop it.
After U'krhith entered the galaxy, there was a wave of immense reality warping power which effected most in it's path. Species with large intergalactic influence were most affected just due to the increased chance of being hit by the wave. Many species, cultures, organisations were destroyed by the wave, leaving the survivors to pick up the pieces. Ironically, Humanity and the Relphi were not directly effected by the wave despite one has and the other will enter Cava Nox, which led to this event in the first place.
Metaphysical, Divine