Bent Scum Character in MÖRK BORG 2000 | World Anvil

Bent Scum

Ragged cloaks, deep hoods, and concealed knives. Expressionless eyes.

There are few fiends more fell than poverty or monsters more powerful than hate. In this stricken world, the slums and black alleyways are fecund scum, mothering countless abhorred miscreants. The PC with the highest Presence makes a DR14 test at the start of battle. Failure means a random party member is automatically hit with a cowardly backstab normal damage +3.
Captured 50–120s (wanted, serious crime) Dead 20–70s (wanted, serious crime)
HP 7 Morale 8 No armor  Poisoned knife d4 + special
Special Poisoned knife. Test Toughness DR10 or become infected.