Wickhead Character in MÖRK BORG 2000 | World Anvil


A human shape with a caged lantern for a head. Clothed in tight leather straps, like ligaments. Does not usually speak but speaks in a hiss like old coals on a fire.

Sneaks up behind its victims, silent as the grave. Skulks around the cities' outskirts and the thickets of Sarkash. Might be a cult, seem to occasionally take commissions. No one knows where they came from.

25% chance wounds from the insanely filthy knife become infected.

Trait (d4)

1.Grumpy 2.Apathetic
3.Careless 4.Moody

Specialty (d4)

1-2.Walking lightsource
3.Expert with a knife (d4+2)
4.Backstab (test DR8 with d20 rolled by the GM. Deals weapon damage + 3) Aside from their specialty they will carry up to five items.

Values (d6)

1.Holding long monologues about oneself 2.Verbal conflicts within the group
3.Getting paid in sharp weapons 4.Burnt meat
5.Depressing stories 6.Captured slaves
Captured 60s Decapitated lantern 15s Corpse 20s
HP 10 Morale 7 No armor Knife with dried blood d4
Special: Can magically douse all nearby light sources, ignite its own blinding light and attack. Then vanish into the darkness.