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Q: Who has had their names changed, and why?   A: In reflection of how this divergence drastically alters some events, characters have had their names changed to reflect the fact that under these new circumstances, they would not have received their previous names (i.e., Jon Snow is named by Eddard, but in this canon Lyanna names him as a Targaryen; Drogon cannot be named ‘Drogon’ as Daenerys is not the one naming him, and Daenerys had never met Khal Drogo anyway).   This is the full list of name changes, for ease of understanding:
  • Jon Snow → Aemon Targaryen
(It's quite short now.)     Q: What is a full list of all the changes this divergence produces?   A: Seeing as this divergence is so early in the timeline, here is everything that is different in no particular order:
  • Jaime Lannister never kills King Aerys; is never regarded as ‘Kingslayer’, lives to be LC of the Kinsguard(?)
  • The sack of King's Landing doesn't occur; Elia, Aegon and Rhaenys live
  • Cersei Lannister never marries Robert; never has Joffrey, Myrcella, Tommen (She marries Walder Frey -- No kids)
  • Stannis Baratheon never fathers Shireen; Renly is Lord of Storm's End (Marries Ashara Dayne)
  • Robert Baratheon never fathers any post-Rebellion bastards
  • Eddard Stark only fathers Robb; Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon do not exist
  • Gerion Lannister is not lost to Valyria forever; he returns to Westeros with Brightroar & founds Lannisters of Castamere
  • The direwolves are never found by House Stark
  • Lyanna Stark does not die in childbirth; lives to be a Queen of Westeros
  • Jon Snow is never a bastard; he is Aemon Targaryen, son of Rhaegar
  • 'Young Griff' in Essos is a Blackfyre, never pretends to be Rhaegar's son but invades regardless
  • The dragon eggs are not given to Daenerys at her wedding; they are stolen while en route from Pentos
  • Rhaegal is never hatched, only Drogon and Viserion are (aka Gaelithox & Aegarax)
  • House Tyrell of Brightwater Keep is never established; House Tyrell of Leafy Lake 'replaces' them
  • Essentially every event in the mainline series of books does not occur.
      Q: What is a full list of the new houses this divergence creates?   A: Various characters spawn either lesser branches or their own houses:
  • House Targaryen of Summerhall; Founded by Viserys Targaryen and Margaery Tyrell in 301 AC
  • House Lannister of Castamere; Founded by Gerion Lannister in 304 AC, holds the title of 'The Brighroar' (Similar to 'The Bloodroyal')
  • House Tyrell of Leafy Lake; Founded by Garlan Tyrell and Leonette Fossoway in 302 AC
  • House Baelish of Oldstones; Founded by Lysa Tully and Petyr Baelish in 306 AC
  • House Nymeros of Bloodstone; Founded by Nymor Martell in 372 AC

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