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Crownlands (King Targaryen)

Long life House Targaryen! King Targaryen is the only son of Queen Mother Alayne Arryn and the late King Aelyx Targaryen, a man who was both damned and praised for his missteps & glorious deeds. He is the great-grandson of King Rhaegar, who defeated Robert Baratheon in the field at the Battle of the Trident, grandson of King Aemon, who defeated Aegon Blackfyre and his Golden Company and son of King Aelyx, who inadvertently abolished Targaryen incest pracices and died to recover the stolen eggs of House Targaryen. This King has an impressive pedigree to live up to, and a royal line to lead into the new century...   Targaryen Family Tree  

Stormlands (Lord Baratheon)

  The Baratheons were defeated in the War of the Usurper, but not lost entirely. Renly Baratheon was spared by Rhaegar and brought the Stormlands back into the Targaryen fold. He would welcome Viserys Targaryen with his Reach bride to his region, helping to restore Summerhall for the secondary branch of House Targaryen and earning the favour of the Dragon Kings when they had once earned only fire and blood, and would wed the beautiful Ashara Dayne. Now House Baratheon remains a leal ally to the Targaryens thanks to their service in the Rebellion of Lies, and Lord Baratheon served as Protector of the Realm for seven years during the regency of King Targaryen, and saw his daughter made Queen. The Stags of the Stormlands are also the guardian of the realm against eastern threats, but friendships too. They would aide in settling House Maegyr of Volantis into the ruins of Morne, a castle on Tarth, gaining themselves a new vassal in the process...  

Prince Targaryen (Notable Character)

The Prince of Summerhall, Prince Targaryen was richly rewarded for his part in securing victory during the Sixth Blackfyre Rebellion, almost personally responsible for the demise of the false Blackfyre. Cousin to the King of Westeros Prince Targaryen has surprisingly good relations with most men wearing a crown, all while not wearing one himself...  

Westerlands (Lord Lannister)

It is known that Lannisters are a line that will last centuries, and there is no exception to be found in the present line. Given a royal marriage in reparation to insults dealt by the Mad King, House Lannister flourished with Princess Rhaenys Targaryen and Lord Tyrion Lannister, the West wealthier and happier than ever under their rule and the rule of their children and grandchildren. The ambitions and hunger of House Lannister are notorious, however...  

Riverlands (Lord Tully)

Ever since kneeling to King Rhaegar following Robert’s Rebellion, the Riverlands have done their best to ensure they have been loyal vassals to the crown. After all, they wouldn't want to draw any undue attention to themselves, though their lands courted controversy when the Harrenhal fire claimed the lives of many Targaryens. That, and the machinations of newer, crooked houses like House Baelish of Oldstones and the impending tourney to determine the Lordship of the cursed and ruined Harrenhal, the Riverlands will be a nexus of Westeros once more, in war and in peacetime...  

Vale of Arryn (Lord Arryn)

Harrold Arryn was granted the Vale when Jon Arryn took the black, and proved a prosperous ruler in the region; his descendants would be just as loyal to House Targaryen as he had been as a babe, with Alayne Arryn the current Queen Mother. Chosen by the High Septon himself to be the Queen to a King who'd proven himself a perverse beast in wedding his own daughter, the Queenship of the Falcon ushered in a celebration of Andal & Faith tradition in the Vale, and the subsequent exile of the Mountain Clans to the North, as many held the Old Gods in their heart. The Vale is now a bastion of purity in the eyes of House Arryn-- Now relegated to the Gates of the Moon, in the grips of Winter --and like honour, the Vale flies high...  

North (Lord Stark)

Ever since the War for the Dawn, a battle most of the known world ridicules and claims to not exist, the North has been in need of guidance. Robb Stark, the Hero of Winterfell, is a well-loved legend in the North, but his fire has long since gone out and lives now in his descendants, led by Lord Stark. The North had been steadily recovering following the complete destruction of the Wall by the Horn of Joramund and the decimation at the hands of the now-defeated Others, but exactly fourty-four years ago was the folly at Skagos, the week known as the Bloody Seven, which lead to the Godswood of Winterfell being burned and the North plunged into a religious crisis that lingers to this day. A morose and desolate place, even more so than usual, it is up to the present Lord Stark to lead his people out from under the burden of their past actions and restore the North to its once-good name. But not everyone can outrun the demons of their past...  

Reach (Lord Tyrell)

House Tyrell and those of the Reach were some of the only loyalists in the War of the Usurper. They would foster the misguided Prince Viserys at Highgarden and it turned out that Margaery Tyrell would be the balm that would soothe his vicious anger. Briefly insulted by the quickness of their marriage, House Tyrell soon saw the advantage in a royal match of such prestige and supported House Targaryen of Summerhall as a line born of the rose. The Reach remained loyalists to the Crown, but with a cataclysm at the Citadel leading to an influx of Rhllorites and a crisis of faith in the Seven-Who-Are-One, one is reminded how easily roses may take to fire; dragonfire, or otherwise...  

Iron Islands (Lord Reaper Greyjoy)

After a failed rebellion and years of nominal 'independence'-- Or a tense peace in the eyes of the mainland --The Ironborn seemed likely to be lost to time, ghosts on their rocks who will wither and fade away. Not so. In recent years the disappearance of the inhabitants of Lonely Light has sparked curious tension among the Ironborn, who cannot explain the loss of population logically. If there is a new foe rising in the Sunset Sea, who better than the men of Salt and Rock to face it...  

Dorne (Prince/Princess Martell)

With Queen Elia Martell binding Dorne to the Iron Throne for many years, and the Handship of Doran Martell guiding the realm, it's impossible to deny that Dorne has not had a heavy hand in the governance of the Realm. That being said, that does not spare them their own strife; House Martell saw itself torn in half following a cultural divide, with the Spear of Dorne remaining in Sunspear and the Sun of Dorne claiming Bloodstone, amassing a notable naval presence in the style of Nymeria and her thousand ships. Now a spear alone, House Martell must cling to power whilst their cousin house amasses their own just steps away...  

Lord/Lady Nymeros (Notable Character)

Lord or Lady of Bloodstone, Warden of Grey Gallows and guardian of a new way of life for the Dornish people, Lord/Lady Nymeros represents the only true naval force in Dorne, heralding a return to Rhoynish greatness to some and a turncloak to others. Based in the Stepstones and near to Sunspear, the divide has never been large between family...
A Note You might be like, 'woah, Maddie, there's like, almost nothing on some of these majors!' First, let me applaud your 20/20 vision; yes, a lot of these are basically one-sentence. They are the ones most lacking, and hey, I'm proposing this so I'm hoping they will be fleshed out into a more substantial prompt. Or hell, this is Seinfeld Iteration, just leave'em blank for all it matters!

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