Planar Cartographic Society

The Planar Cartographic society is always seeking out new horizons of the Multiverse. They continually work to expand the known boundaries of both Wildspace and the planar cosmology. Their entire mission is dedicated to exploration and knowledge.


The organization is headed by the Mercane wizard Khymez Ta'rol, though they tend to delegate much of the society's day to day business elements to the officers below them. Below the organization's leader are the officers who are in charge of the numerous guildhalls the society has throughout the multiverse. Members begin as recruits until they demonstrate their aptitude for exploration and curiosity. Members come in the form of surveyors, field agents, researchers, and archivists.  

Member Benefits and Responsibilities

Nonmember Services: If not seeking membership, the society will reward a standard finder's fee for an unsolicited map of an area not already well catalogued by the society. If the map was solicited, the fee they pay out varies greatly but is always more than the standard fee. The society also sells copies of map from their archives, usually for a fairly standard fee.   Member benefits: All members are allowed salvage rights for dangers surmounted while working in the field. Additionally, each member receives a monthly stipend and a ready supply of cartographic equipment that can be borrowed.

Public Agenda

To explore and expand the boundaries of the known Multiverse.


Numerous guildhalls and their respective libraries and map archives on multiple planes.
Expedition, Scientific
Alternative Names


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