Cloud Giant

Cloud giants stood erect at soaring heights around 24 feet (7.3 meters). Their huge bodies weighed around 11,500 pounds (5,220 kilograms).   The bodies of cloud giants often displayed handsome and well-defined features. Their skin ranged in color from milky white to light sky blue. Their hair was silvery white or brass, and their eyes were iridescent blue.   They often dressed in clothing made of the finest material and jewelry. Rather than wearing any form of armor, they preferred to wear or carry things enchanted with protective magic. When they did wear armor, it was usually a chain shirt.   Cloud giants were easygoing people, highly creative, masters at strategizing, and had great appreciation for music. They considered life to be a series of obstacles, which were meant to be met with joy rather than sorrow and overcome with applications of skill.
Average Height
Average Weight
11,500 lbs.


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