
Leonin tend to be tall compared to humans and move with a boldness that suggests their physical might. Tawny fur covers leonin bodies, and some grow thick manes ranging in shades from gold to black. While their hands prove as nimble as those of other humanoids, leonin have retractable feline claws, which they can extend instantly. This, along with their ability to produce bone-shaking roars, gives most leonin an air that readily shifts between regal and fearsome. Leonin often act with confidence, which can come off as imperiousness. While this can reassure their allies, it can also suggest defiance in the face of what they perceive as imposed authority or unworthy experts.   Other peoples often perceive leonin as quick to take offense, intolerant of criticism, or belligerent. The truth is that many leonin simply enjoy fighting, whether verbal or physical. They take pleasure in argument, wrestling, sparring, and even battle, enjoying the opportunity to exercise their minds and bodies. It follows, too, that leonin aren’t inclined to carry grudges. A warrior might react with sudden violence to an insult, but when the fight is over (and the leonin’s superiority proven), the insult is forgotten—along with the vanquished foe.   Few leonin devote themselves to the service of the gods. It’s not that they deny the existence of deities; they merely see the gods as mercurial and ultimately unworthy of adoration. The Leonin and the Gods table suggests the range of attitudes that leonin might adopt toward the gods.   Leonin rely on themselves and their prides. A pride is bound together by the experience of a shared challenge and, in particular, the sacred act of the hunt.
60 years
Average Height
5'11" - 7'1"
Average Weight
200 lbs. - 320 lbs.


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