
Is the god of law and justice.   Was appointed head of the gods’ army in partnership with Helm during the First War. Shortly after forming the Triad consisting of his closest companions, Torm and Ilmater.   Tyr had many titles among mortals; among them was the Even-Handed,Grimjaws,the Maimed God, Wounded Tyr,, Blind, Blind Tyr, the Blind Overlord, the Wounded One, and the Just God, These titles symbolized his nature to his followers. Among the Outer Planes, he was known as the One-Handed.   Tyr was portrayed as blind or with a bloody bandage over his eyes and missing his right hand, for which he bore his title of the Maimed God. (His title of the Even-Handed, though it referred to his position of god of justice, was also seen as dark humor.) His wounded eyes were seen as symbolic of "blind justice" and the sometimes cost of living a lawful life.   As god of justice, Tyr could foretell any injustice up to six months before it occurred and felt the pang of that injustice for six months afterward.   Tyr was a fair judge, but he was hard to understand to those outside his faith, as they more readily perceived him as a stern and rigid punisher. On the other hand, he was seen as a brave father-figure to his followers. In truth, he was well aware that a lawful utopia would never be possible in the imperfect Material Plane, yet this did not stop him from trying to make the world a better place for his mortal followers. He wanted his followers to see themselves as a "perfect family", not made of perfect individuals but rather of members who tried and wanted to be perfect, who acted out of trust, courage, and love toward each other. His knowledge that such a dream would never be achieved among the mortal realm filled him with genuine sadness.   Symbol: Balanced scales resting on a warhammer


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