Emma Earhardt

Emma Earhardt (a.k.a. Emmanuel)

Emmanuel, or Emma as he prefers to be called, is an enchanting and flamboyant figure whose presence attracts attention wherever he goes. He owns and runs the magical shop, Emma's Essential Enchantments with his two sidekicks, Zufu & Reem.   Emma has been a consistent ally and contributer to The Truman Group's adventure supplying them with information and enchanted items.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

His skin is a pale blue, with a shimmering silver sheen that catches the light and gives him an almost ethereal glow. This shimmering quality is most noticeable when he moves, as the light plays across his skin in a way that seems almost magical—perhaps a result of his deep connection to enchantments and ice magic.   Emma's eyes are lined with thick black makeup, accentuating his striking features and giving him a mysterious, alluring gaze. His eyes themselves are a captivating shade of deep purple, reflecting his mystical nature and adding to his exotic appearance. Above his eyes, spiral horns extend from his forehead, curling back gracefully. These horns are lavishly decorated with a variety of gold and silver jewelry, including rings, chains, and small charms that jingle softly when he moves. The jewelry glints in the light, adding to his exotic and opulent appearance.   From his chin dangles a long ashen goatee, well-groomed and twisted into a point, further enhancing his air of sophistication. His goatee contrasts sharply with his pale skin, drawing attention to his angular jawline. His long ashen hair cascades down his back, its silver-gray color contrasting sharply with his pale blue skin and the dark tones of his outfit. His hair is impeccably styled, with some strands loosely framing his face, adding a touch of elegance to his overall look.   Emma wears a long dark blue coat adorned with gold and silver linings. The coat is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, fitted perfectly to his slender frame, and left open at the chest to reveal a glimpse of his torso. Beneath the coat, his stomach is wrapped in white bandages or wraps, an unusual fashion choice that adds to his enigmatic persona. The wraps may hold a deeper meaning, possibly related to his magical practices or personal history, but Emma keeps such details close to his chest, both literally and figuratively.



Emma is the epitome of charm, charisma, and flamboyance. He carries himself with an air of confidence and sophistication that makes him impossible to ignore. His speech is smooth and melodic, often laced with playful wit and flirtation, regardless of the company he keeps. Emma enjoys being the center of attention and is always ready with a dazzling smile or a clever remark.   Despite his flamboyant nature, Emma is also deeply knowledgeable and skilled in the magical arts, particularly in enchantments and ice magic. He has a sharp mind and a keen eye for detail, which serves him well in his work at his shop, Emma's Essential Enchantments. He is passionate about his craft and takes great pride in the magical items he creates and sells. His shop is known for its quality and the unique, sometimes eccentric, nature of its inventory.   Emma’s demeanor is welcoming and inviting, making him a beloved figure in Aberdeen. He is a social butterfly, thriving in the vibrant, diverse community of the city. However, beneath his charming exterior lies a sharp intellect and a deep understanding of the arcane, making him a force to be reckoned with when it comes to magic.




Towards Emma Earhardt


Emma Earhardt


Towards Zufu




Towards Emma Earhardt


Emma Earhardt


Towards Reem


Chaotic Good
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Blue/Silver
184 lbs

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