Keryth Valrieth

Keryth Valrieth is a figure of profound power and dark allure, an elven necromancer whose name is whispered with both reverence and fear throughout the land. Living in seclusion within a tower deep in the enigmatic Gravebloom Forrest. Keryth's life and work are shrouded in mystery and surrounded by the eerie glow of the forest's namesake flowers.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Keryth stands tall and slender, with an ethereal grace that belies the dark magic he wields. His skin is pallid, almost translucent, as if touched by the very essence of death he commands. His long, silver hair flows like a river of moonlight down his back, often tied in a loose braid to keep it out of his sharp, angular face. His eyes are a deep, piercing violet, filled with the wisdom of centuries and the cold detachment of someone who has seen the boundary between life and death blurred countless times.   He dresses in elaborate robes of deep black and midnight blue, adorned with intricate silver embroidery that resembles the twisting roots and branches of the Gravebloom Forrest. These robes are enchanted for both protection and utility, inscribed with runes that amplify his necromantic powers. Around his neck hangs a pendant bearing a dark crystal, a focus for his magical energies and a symbol of his mastery over death.

Special abilities

As an experienced necromancer, Keryth possesses formidable magical abilities. He can raise and control the dead, summon powerful spirits, and cast devastating spells that drain the life force from his enemies. His mastery of necromancy allows him to manipulate the very essence of life and death, and he can create undead minions that serve him with unwavering loyalty.   In addition to his necromantic powers, Keryth is a skilled alchemist and herbalist, using the rare plants and flowers of the Gravebloom Forest to create potions and elixirs that enhance his abilities or provide unique effects. His knowledge of the arcane arts is vast, and he is always seeking new ways to expand his understanding and power.

Personality Characteristics


Keryth Valrieth is a complex character, blending the cold, calculating nature of a necromancer with the wisdom and patience of an elf who has lived for centuries. He is highly intelligent and possesses a deep understanding of both arcane and necromantic arts. His demeanor is often distant and reserved, with an air of melancholic contemplation that suggests a man who has seen and experienced much more than he cares to reveal.   Despite his dark profession, Keryth is not inherently evil. He views necromancy as a tool, a means to understand the mysteries of life and death. He has a deep fascination with death and the ability to stave off it. He has spent most of his life studying planar travel with hope to come in contact with a god and learn of it's ascension.


Hobbies & Pets

He is accompanied in his tower by a Gray Render named Gravel who has formed an obsession for Keryth due to Keryth's vast intellect.


Long, silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 lbs.


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