Lambert Ashveil

Captain Lambert Ashveil

Lambert made a name for himself as the captain of the Felicity, an airship that has become synonymous with freedom, adventure, and just a hint of danger. He travels the skies from city to city, taking on jobs that range from legitimate trade runs to less-than-legal heists, depending on the payout and his mood. Lambert’s reputation as a pirate is well-earned, but those who know him best understand that beneath his roguish exterior lies a man who genuinely cares about his crew and the freedom that the skies provide.   As a captain, Lambert is both charismatic and cunning, knowing when to lead with charm and when to assert control. His crew respects him not just for his skills but for his ability to make even the most dangerous situations feel like a grand adventure. He treats his crew like family, often sharing a drink or a laugh after a successful job, and he takes their loyalty seriously.   However, Lambert’s nature as a pirate means he’s never entirely predictable. While he may act heroically in one moment, the next could see him making a deal that benefits him alone. His actions are guided by his own moral compass, which often deviates from conventional standards of right and wrong. Lambert lives by the mantra “once a pirate, always a pirate,” and it’s this blend of loyalty, unpredictability, and charm that keeps those around him constantly guessing.   He was employed by The Truman Group in their effort to track down the artifacts of Rillifane Rallathil. He has aided in transporting them from city to city, but has also gotten them out of a jam or two using his quick cunning and insticts.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Lambert has a roguish charm that sets him apart from your typical captain. In his mid-30s, Lambert has a lean, athletic build honed by years of adventuring and sailing the skies. He has short, wavy black hair that often falls messily, giving him a carefree, wind-tossed look that suits his lifestyle. A prominent scar cuts across his left cheek—a souvenir from a past skirmish that only adds to his rugged appeal. His sharp, observant eyes are constantly scanning his surroundings, always alert for an opportunity or a potential threat.   Lambert dresses in dark gray leather armor that is both practical and stylish, providing protection without sacrificing mobility. His armor is well-worn but meticulously maintained, reflecting his balance between function and flair. He wears sturdy boots perfect for the deck of an airship, and his outfit is completed by a thin red scarf wrapped around his neck and shoulders, a personal touch that adds a splash of color to his otherwise muted attire.   Lambert’s weapons are always at the ready: two rapiers hang at his hips, their elegant design betraying the deadly precision with which he wields them. On his thighs, he keeps two hand crossbows, quick-draw weapons that give him the advantage of range when the situation calls for it. His gear reflects his fighting style—fast, precise, and adaptable, much like the man himself.

Special abilities

Lambert is a skilled combatant, blending agility, speed, and precise strikes in a fighting style that is as much about finesse as it is about lethality. His rapiers allow him to engage in quick, decisive duels, using a combination of feints, parries, and well-timed strikes to overwhelm his opponents. When distance is needed, his hand crossbows come into play, allowing him to strike from afar with deadly accuracy.   His rogue training makes him adept at exploiting his environment, using terrain, shadows, and distractions to his advantage. Lambert fights with a fluid, almost dance-like grace, making his movements as unpredictable as his personality.



Lambert is the quintessential rogue: charismatic, quick-witted, and always ready with a joke to ease the tension. His easygoing nature and charm make him a natural leader, capable of winning over even the most skeptical of allies. He has an undeniable flair for the dramatic and enjoys living life on the edge, thriving in situations where others might hesitate. Lambert’s charm is his greatest weapon, allowing him to talk his way out of trouble just as easily as he can fight his way out.   Despite his roguish nature, Lambert has a heart of gold. He’s fiercely loyal to his crew and those he considers friends, often going out of his way to help those in need—even if he insists it’s just for the thrill of it. However, his pirate roots run deep, and there’s always an underlying unpredictability to his actions. Lambert is driven by his own code of honor, which doesn’t always align with the laws of the land. He’s quick to act in his best interest when it suits him, and his loyalty can be as changeable as the wind.   Lambert is a master of improvisation, rarely making detailed plans but always ready to adapt to whatever the situation throws at him. He’s clever, resourceful, and has a knack for turning even the worst circumstances to his advantage. His reputation as the captain of the Felicity has made him both a legend and a wanted man, but Lambert wouldn’t have it any other way.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Short, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
188 lbs.
Owned Vehicles

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