
Mercia is an exclusively elven city, renowned for its beauty and seclusion. It serves as a sanctuary for all kinds of elves, including high elves and wood elves, who live in harmony with nature. The city's architecture is a testament to elven craftsmanship, with buildings that are both extravagant and seamlessly integrated into the natural surroundings of the Seldarine Woods.


The elves of Mercia are deeply connected to their heritage and the natural world. They value art, music, and knowledge, and the city boasts numerous academies, libraries, and conservatories where these disciplines are taught and celebrated. Cultural festivals and celebrations are common, often centered around phases of the moon or natural events, reflecting the elves' deep ties to the rhythms of nature. The ties with the Seldarine gods run deep in Mercia.


Mercia is ruled by the Arendel family, with Elfric Arendel currently at the helm. Elfric, a leader with a strong military background, is both feared and respected. His leadership style is firm but fair, and he is wholly dedicated to the welfare of Mercia, often placing the city’s interests above broader political concerns. This has led Mercia to become somewhat isolated from the other cities of Crestala, including the capital, Elyse.


Given its location within the sacred woods and its strategic importance, Mercia is well-defended. Both natural defenses and magical barriers protect it. The city’s guards are highly trained, not just in martial combat but also in magical warfare, reflecting the dual nature of elven defense strategies.


The structures in Mercia are marvels of elven make, crafted from natural materials that are enchanted to last for centuries. Buildings are often multi-leveled and feature intricate carvings and shimmering glasswork that reflect the light of the sun and moon. Many homes and public buildings are built within and around the massive trees of the Seldarine Woods, including the ancient and towering trees that have been part of the forest for millennia.   Flowing waterfalls and streams weave through the city, creating a soundscape of water that enhances the tranquil atmosphere. However, the rivers within the city are almost magically still, their surfaces mirror-like, reflecting the exquisite beauty of their surroundings and the sky above.

Points of interest

At the heart of Mercia stands the Arendel Palace, built around an enormous tree known as the Heartwood. This tree is said to have sprouted from a seed of the legendary ValaMinas, the sacred tree that stands thousands of feet tall and is considered the embodiment of Rilifane, the elven god of creation. The Heartwood is central to the city’s spiritual and cultural life, and it is treated with reverence by all residents.


  • Mercia
Large city
Ruling/Owning Rank

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