Cult Of Tiamat

Tiamat is a greedy, vain, and arrogant goddess who embodies all the strengths of evil dragonkind, and few of their weaknesses. The Queen of Evil Dragons demands reverence, homage, supplication, and tribute from her subjects. She is sometimes called "Her Dark Majesty" or simply "Dark Queen". Tiamat is most concerned with spreading evil, defeating good, and propagating chromatic dragons. Her cult his hidden and tends to hide under mountains and in caves. One of the more famed members of the cult of Tiamat is a red scaled kobold who screams with religious zeal.

Tenets of Faith

To Tiamat, deities of all creeds and from every pantheon are inherently tyrannical, and therefore her rivals. She considered herself the only being powerful enough to defy these gods and overthrow their despotic rule, as demonstrated by her overthrowing the other divines. Her followers worked tirelessly toward her agenda of world domination. When Tiamat assumed her throne as the only goddess of the Realms, her draconic children would serve as her dukes, or so her followers believed, and her clergy struggled to gain the position of vassals when that move came.


Clerics of Tiamat prayed for their spells at dusk, in hopes she will return the sun the following morning, as part of a ritual known as Tithing. The Tithing required a small tithe, typically several gold coins or a small gem, which were hidden in the cleric's cupped hands while praying, then buried. Tiamat's clergy also performed various other daily ceremonies in homage to their mistress. The Rite of Respect was a complicated ritual of abasement and appeasement was performed while approaching any chromatic dragon. This ceremony didn't provide any special protection from the dragon's fury, but failure to perform it was a death sentence.


Tiamat accepted only evil clerics. They, like Tiamat herself, sought to place the world under the domination of evil dragons.
Religious, Cult
Leader Title
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members
Related Species

Articles under Cult Of Tiamat