
Ionar is the god of Good, Healing, Law, Purification, and Redemption. Ionar was said to be the first being in all of creation. He is said to have awakened once light first started to cross the void. He is said to reside in Parádeisos a plane of existence where his worshipers and the worshipers of other good aligned deities are sent to once their time has come. Ionar has once been very involved with mortals, granting power to several champions, as well as having several holy orders around the empire of Thassos. He has several saints which act has a extension of his will, helping protect the mortals from the fiends of the abyss and nine hells. 50 years from the current date belief and worship in Ionar seems to have faded, resulting in his influence and protection becoming much more limited. Although with the rising waters some turn back to Ionar believing that the lack of belief is what is causing the great flood.

Divine Domains

Light, Healing, Creation, Protection.

Holy Books & Codes

The book of Ionar

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Orthodox Cross


Ionarmas - The celebration of Ionar's creation of the world. (Fantasy Christmas haha)

St.Ingram's Day - A celebration of a famed vampire hunter, who rid the world of a undead army. Children choose to dress up as Vampire hunters or Vampires. Vampires seek to get candy from homes and go about pranking people, while vampire hunters attempt to stop the vampires. They also can take candy from them.
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Other Affiliations